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Software Architects

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Why Hire 

Software Architects

 from ClanX?


Cutting-edge Solutions | Software Architects from ClanX are trained to provide modern architectural solutions, ensuring that your software is built with the latest technology and trends in mind.

Cutting-edge Solutions | Software Architects from ClanX are trained to provide modern architectural solutions, ensuring that your software is built with the latest technology and trends in mind.


Scalability Expertise | Our Architects design systems that can grow with your business, focusing on creating scalable architecture that can handle an increasing load as your user base expands.

Scalability Expertise | Our Architects design systems that can grow with your business, focusing on creating scalable architecture that can handle an increasing load as your user base expands.


Optimization for Performance | They understand how to optimize systems for performance, which will lead to faster software execution and improved user satisfaction.

Optimization for Performance | They understand how to optimize systems for performance, which will lead to faster software execution and improved user satisfaction.


Risk Mitigation | ClanX's Software Architects are adept at identifying potential risks early in development, thereby preventing costly errors down the line.

Risk Mitigation | ClanX's Software Architects are adept at identifying potential risks early in development, thereby preventing costly errors down the line.


Technical Leadership | With vast experience, they can lead development teams effectively, ensuring that every technical decision aligns with the project goals and deadlines.

Technical Leadership | With vast experience, they can lead development teams effectively, ensuring that every technical decision aligns with the project goals and deadlines.


Future-proof Systems | Their foresight in tech trends means they’ll help you build systems that are future-proof, reducing the need for constant updates and keeping you ahead of the competition.

Future-proof Systems | Their foresight in tech trends means they’ll help you build systems that are future-proof, reducing the need for constant updates and keeping you ahead of the competition.

Getting started with ClanX

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Software Architects

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

Software Architects

use to craft amazing products.

tools | Enterprise Architect, Rational Software Architect, Visual Paradigm, Erwin Data Modeler
databases | MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra
languages | Java, C#, Python, JavaScript
libraries | Apache Kafka, React.js, Node.js, .NET

How Much Does the Best Software Architects Consultant Cost?

The complexity and scale of the project, the consultant's expertise and qualifications, the consultant's location and availability, and the supply and demand in the market can all affect how much the finest software architect consultant costs. It is therefore wise to assess your options and haggle for the best deal that meets your demands.

You may also look at ClanX if you're seeking software architect consultants. You can get in touch with software architects straight there, and they will have varying prices and evaluations.

Why Hire Software Architects?

Proficient in several programming languages, possessing robust coding skills, and having a comprehensive comprehension of the software development life cycle are attributes of exceptional software architects. A software architect might be hired to: design and create reliable software that can be marketed to customers or utilised internally by businesses.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Software Architect?

The hourly fee in the US ranges from $100 to $200 on average, but it might reach $300 or more. Nonetheless, some sources recommend that the minimum pay for IT consultants in the US should be $100 per hour. Other parts of the world, such as Eastern Europe, have hourly costs for IT consulting that range from $25 to $150.

How Much Do Software Architects Charge Per Hour?

As of November 27, 2023, the average hourly income for a Software Architect IV in the US is $70; however, this figure usually ranges between $63 and $78. The number of years you have spent in your field, your schooling, your certifications, your extra skill sets, and many other things can all have a significant impact on your hourly rate.

Hire Software Architects

The role of a software architect is identical to that of an architect. While the latter ideates design for construction and coordinates every step of the actual construction process, a software architect is responsible for the ideation and coordination of a software development life cycle.

Software architects are responsible for ideating concepts of software on paper followed by turning the concepts into actual reality. The job necessitates a mix of exceptional technical skills as well as soft skills. Their workflow revolves around supervising all the aspects of the development cycle and coordinating various high-level decisions around the programming standards etc.

The role demands a multidisciplinary approach and proficiency across various aspects such as functionality, performance, security, and scalability.

What is a Software Architect?

A software architect is a software specialist who specialises in computer programming and software design. To create new programmes and software solutions, software architects frequently collaborate with a development team. 

They can also help clients form and sustain long-term connections by facilitating communication between them and the development team. This means that software architects can be critical to any development project because understanding what the client wants helps direct a team's efforts. 

Software architects are also responsible for making critical decisions about the design aspects of software projects, such as the visual elements with which users may interact.The job profile of software architects seems very vague because it encompasses a lot of roles and responsibilities. If we narrow it down there are four types of software architects:

  • Data and information architect
  • Enterprise software architect
  • Solution Architect
  • Technical Architect

What are the Roles of Software Architects?

Companies hire software architects for a range of roles of responsibilities centred around management and product development.

1. Management

Maintain regular communication between developer, product manager, and clients to ensure that everyone is on the same page. The responsibility of ensuring clear and transparent communication channels between various stakeholders lies with software architects.

2. Conduct Daily Code Reviews

This requires a hands-on approach to work encompassing various tasks such as prototype development, ensuring the quality of code is maintained sans complex structures. Code writing for software architects revolves around ensuring the maintenance of standards rather than developing actual code.

3. Product Management

Software architects develop a product strategy that focuses on scalability and integrating various measures that are focused on boosting the overall software development workflow. They also conduct an analysis of available technical possibilities within the current system architecture.

4. Client Servicing

Software architects coordinate with the client and ensure a successful product delivery. They also oversee the entire tech stack delivered to the client and troubleshoot any possible technical challenges or compromises on code quality.

What are the Skills for Software Architects?

As already mentioned the role of a software architect demands a soft skills-based approach to the development process. It is necessary for a recruiter to specifically look out for soft skills within a candidate. Here's a software architect roadmap to guide every recruiter should look out for:

1. Leadership

Software architects are responsible for the entire development cycle. They have to look into the technical and non-technical aspects of product development. To do so they are required to interact with multiple teams and align their specific prowess toward the needs of the client. 

The best software architects possess leadership skills that lead the teams toward success, ensuring that objectives are met while taking responsibility for any shortcomings.

2. Critical thinking/Problem solving

A problem-solving approach paired with critical thinking is necessary to ensure efficient product development. Software architects should be skilled enough and possess the necessary experience and expertise to analyze potential pitfalls and warn the respective teams about the challenges.

3. Organization

Software architects handle the entire logistics of the project. Their primary goal is to ensure that a successful project is developed while utilizing minimal resources. The candidate should possess the necessary skills to ensure efficient management and organization of resources while ensuring no compromise on project quality.

What are the Technical Skills for Software Architects?

Software architects oversee the entire development process. Therefore they should be well versed with a range of technologies and development processes. Although specific skills may fluctuate depending on the domain every candidate should possess some fundamental technical skills which are as follows:

1. Software Architecture

Software architects should be proficient with the fundamental concepts of software architecture and demonstrate experience with the principles of implementation and architecture.

Clarity of fundamentals such as architectural patterns and styles is extremely important because it sets the tone of the entire workflow. The candidate should be well-versed in understanding the requirements of any project and develop professional solutions based on the needs and demands of the project.

The best software architects possess the ability to explain the entire workflow of any project on a whiteboard and explain various components such as what, why, or how of any project and seamlessly explain the entire design.

2. Writing Code

Software architects will be responsible for setting the coding standards and tonality of the code. They should be well-versed in a range of programming languages and possess the ability to write efficient code. The efficiency should range around an advanced level of expertise.

Proficiency in writing code is extremely important because the architect dictates the initial structure of the overall codebase and that's usually what the team uses for their entire development workflow.

3. DevOps

A potential candidate should be familiar with the core of DevOps and well-versed with fundamental principles, ideas, concepts, and paradigms of DevOps. They should be hands-on with Linux and troubleshooting processes. Further, they are expected to possess an eye to enhance the overall IT design and systems through cloud computing.

Last but not least they should be proficient with the implementation of best DevOps practices within the teams. Software architects focus on maintaining an efficient development process ensuring a collaborative and agile approach to development. 

However, maintaining an efficient tonality demands hands-on familiarity with efficient DevOps processes along with knowledge of hard skills such as creating a highly efficient DevOps environment, etc.

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When Should I Hire Software Architects?

A software architect develops technical standards for platforms, devices, or software coding standards as well as plans for project-specific requirements. The general scope of duties for software architects is to identify the best technologies and methods for the software development team to employ.

Due to their extensive technical understanding, these professionals are also frequently hired by businesses to solve coding problems. More broadly, a software architect assists the organisation in having organised software solutions that meet its aims and technological requirements. 

2. What Does a Software Architect Do?

Software architects are responsible for designing and defining system requirements by understanding the intent behind developing particular software solutions. They are responsible for ensuring the overall scalability of the project. Making technical decisions and maintaining standards is part of the job of a software architect.

The following are a software architect's main duties:

  • Investigating and assessing technical requirements and instruments for a project
  • Dividing the objective of an endeavour into multiple manageable issues
  • Sharing needs, standards, and specifications from the business with software development teams
  • Creating and editing a project's Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram and structure
  • Assigning duties to a group of developers for the creation of software
  • During quality assurance periods, test sections of the project code and look for problems.
  • Composing code segments as a project's development.

3. What is a Software Architect Salary?

The software architect salary varies based on factors such as skill proficiency, domain expertise, and seniority. The average annual salary of software architects in the United States is around $1,92,375 per year.

4. Are Software Architects Paid Well?

According to Glassdoor, the average annual software architect salary is around $1,92,375 per year. Hiring trends show that software architects have been the top earners in the IT industry for the last two years. Therefore, the metrics determine the fact that software architects are paid well.

5. Are Software Architects in Demand?

Professionals who design, create, and maintain software systems and applications are known as software architects. They bear the responsibility of guaranteeing the software's quality, performance, security, and scalability. Because more and more sectors depend on software solutions for their business needs, there is a significant demand for software architects in the current market. 

The U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics projects that the number of workers in these jobs will increase by 22% between 2020 and 2030, which is a remarkably fast rate of growth. This suggests that software architects have a promising future since they can find rewarding and difficult work in a variety of industries and fields.

6. Do Software Architects Write Code?

Even though coding may not be necessary for the architecture profession, architects benefit from keeping up with code. The additional duties of an architect necessitate a current comprehension of the code created by the team. 

Architects, for instance, frequently examine code. One way an architect can help other engineers and promote standards and best practices is through code reviews. Architects are frequently asked to troubleshoot cross-cutting issues or debug problems. 

A deep dive into the code to identify a complicated bug or performance bottleneck may be required for these activities.

7. Who Needs Software Architects?

Initially, a software architect works with product owners to clarify and refine their requirements or help them establish the criteria for a system. Working together with designers and business analytics is another aspect of this. 

A technical architect, in particular, oversees the process of creating software requirements specifications (SRS) in order to ensure that the intended functionality can be implemented in reality and that the method chosen for implementation will be effective. 

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Software Architects

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

Software Architects

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

Full-stack Software Architect | In this role, architects handle both client and server-side development, ensuring a cohesive strategy for the software lifecycle. They might contribute to a project requiring an agile full-stack response, like developing a comprehensive web platform.

Cloud Computing Software Architect | Specializing in cloud services, these architects develop solutions that maximize cloud resources for efficiency and scalability. They could lead cloud migration or the creation of cloud-native applications.

Enterprise Software Architect | They focus on complex, large-scale software solutions often found in large organizations, streamlining business processes and integrating various systems for smoother operations.

Software Architect Consultant | Offering strategic advice, they can analyze your current systems and recommend improvements or new directions, such as introducing microservices architecture to enhance a product's modularity.

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ClanX is a true partner. We were able to build a solid team and our entire company was eventually acquired.
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Still Curious? These might help...

What are the key responsibilities of Software Architects at ClanX? | Our Software Architects are responsible for creating high-level software designs, choosing the right technology stack, ensuring the system is scalable and secure, and guiding development teams.

How can Software Architects improve the development process? | They create a clear roadmap for the project, optimize workflows, and apply best practices in software design to facilitate a more efficient development process.

Are Software Architects at ClanX experienced with cloud services? | Yes, they are skilled in designing and implementing cloud-based solutions, working with platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

What is the importance of hiring a ClanX Software Architect for startups? | Startups can benefit significantly as our Architects lay a robust foundation for their software, which is crucial for adaptability and scalability as the business grows.

Can ClanX Software Architects ensure the software complies with industry standards? | Absolutely, they are versed in various regulatory standards and can ensure your software complies with GDPR, HIPAA, or any other required guidelines.

How do ClanX Software Architects handle legacy system modernization? | They evaluate the current architecture, identify limitations, and systematically modernize the system without disrupting existing operations.

What's the process for integrating a ClanX Software Architect into our existing team? | They will assimilate with your team, understanding the current project landscape and seamlessly integrating with existing workflows and culture.

How do Software Architects from ClanX contribute to cost savings? | By designing efficient and scalable systems, they help in reducing future maintenance costs, avoiding unnecessary features, and preventing expensive downtime.


Software Architects

in 48 hours

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