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Conversational AI Engineer

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Why Hire 

Conversational AI Engineer

 from ClanX?


Expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Conversational AI Engineers at ClanX have specialized knowledge in NLP, enabling them to create highly interactive and user-friendly conversational interfaces.

Expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Conversational AI Engineers at ClanX have specialized knowledge in NLP, enabling them to create highly interactive and user-friendly conversational interfaces.


Proficient in Machine Learning | They leverage machine learning to continuously improve the performance of AI models, ensuring more accurate and contextually relevant conversations.

Proficient in Machine Learning | They leverage machine learning to continuously improve the performance of AI models, ensuring more accurate and contextually relevant conversations.


Multi-platform Integration Skill | ClanX experts seamlessly integrate conversational AI solutions across various platforms, including web, mobile, and social messaging apps, for a unified user experience.

Multi-platform Integration Skill | ClanX experts seamlessly integrate conversational AI solutions across various platforms, including web, mobile, and social messaging apps, for a unified user experience.


Customization Capabilities | Our engineers have the ability to customize and tailor AI conversations to suit your specific business needs, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Customization Capabilities | Our engineers have the ability to customize and tailor AI conversations to suit your specific business needs, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.


Efficiency in Deployment | Tight project deadlines are met with proficiency, as our engineers are well-versed in quick and effective deployment of Conversational AI systems.

Efficiency in Deployment | Tight project deadlines are met with proficiency, as our engineers are well-versed in quick and effective deployment of Conversational AI systems.


Ongoing Support and Optimization | ClanX guarantees ongoing support, maintaining the conversational AI systems to adapt to new user behaviors and trends for continuous optimization.

Ongoing Support and Optimization | ClanX guarantees ongoing support, maintaining the conversational AI systems to adapt to new user behaviors and trends for continuous optimization.

Getting started with ClanX

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Meet highly curated, ready-to-interview builders with verified skills and availability. We do all the heavy lifting so you just need to conduct the final interview round to check for culture fit.

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You conduct the final round with the candidate, based on the feedback either we share more profiles or you hire the talent. Our historical data says, out of 10 builder profiles that we share, 8 get hired.


Conversational AI Engineer

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

Conversational AI Engineer

use to craft amazing products.

tools | Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, IBM Watson Assistant
databases | MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL
languages | Python, JavaScript, Java
libraries | TensorFlow, PyTorch, NLTK

How Much Does it Cost to Hire Conversational AI Engineers?

Hiring conversational AI engineers can be expensive depending on a number of variables, including the project's complexity and scale, the candidate's background and experience, the market in which they operate, and their location. 

Artificial intelligence and conversational AI software can range in price from $6,666 to $122,000, according to ziprecruiter.com. The complexity and accuracy of these AI-enabled chatbots' performance determine their price range.

How Much Does a Conversational AI Engineer Make?

In India, varying conversational AI engineer salaries have been reported for various roles in the field of conversational AI. The annual compensation of a conversational AI analyst is estimated to be around ₹45,000,000. 

The stated yearly conversational AI engineer salary is around ₹19,24,393 and ₹15,73,458. These numbers show a wide variation in professional salaries in this area, which may be attributed to experience, specialisation, and geographic location.

Is Conversational AI Engineer Still in Demand?

The conversational AI market was expected to be worth USD 9.9 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 21.5% from 2024 to 2032. Thanks to its ability to have conversations that are both engaging and human-like, conversational AI significantly increases user engagement.

Hire Conversational AI Engineers

Hiring Conversational AI Engineers involves looking for individuals with a unique blend of technical skills and creative thinking. These professionals are pivotal in developing systems that enable machines to understand and engage in human-like dialogue. 

When hiring, focus on candidates with experience in machine learning, natural language processing, and speech recognition. It's essential to assess their problem-solving skills and creativity since the field often requires innovative approaches to new challenges. 

Look for engineers who have a proven track record of working on conversational AI projects, especially those that demonstrate a deep understanding of human language nuances. Additionally, consider their ability to work collaboratively in teams, as developing AI systems often involves cross-functional collaboration. 

Soft skills like communication are crucial, as these engineers need to explain complex technical details to non-technical stakeholders. Also, check for their enthusiasm for continuous learning and staying updated with AI advancements.

What is a Conversational AI Engineer?

A Conversational AI Engineer is a specialized AI professional who focuses on creating systems that can understand and mimic human conversation. They work with technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, and speech recognition to develop chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational interfaces. 

These engineers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between human communication and machine understanding. Their expertise allows machines to not only recognize speech or text inputs but also understand the context and subtleties of language. 

This enables machines to provide more natural, human-like responses, enhancing user experience in various applications, from customer service bots to voice-activated personal assistants.

Conversational AI Engineers must constantly update their knowledge and skills to keep up with the rapidly evolving field of AI.

What is the Role of a Conversational AI Engineer?

  • Designing, developing, and refining AI systems for natural, human-like conversations.
  • Utilizing machine learning algorithms and natural language processing for training systems.
  • Working on various AI aspects: developing algorithms and creating language models.
  • Integrating AI systems into different applications and platforms.
  • Improving accuracy, efficiency, and naturalness of AI-driven conversations.
  • Analyzing and interpreting user interaction data to enhance AI conversational capabilities.
  • Collaborating with engineers, data scientists, and stakeholders.
  • Aligning conversational AI systems with business goals and user needs.

What are the Skills for Conversational AI Engineers?

Conversational AI Engineers need a diverse skill set, encompassing both technical and soft skills. On the technical front, they should be proficient in programming languages such as Python or Java and possess a deep understanding of machine learning, natural language processing, and speech recognition technologies. Familiarity with AI development tools and handling large datasets is also important. 

As for soft skills, they require creative problem-solving abilities to address complex AI challenges. Effective communication skills are vital for collaborating with various teams and explaining intricate concepts to those without a technical background. Additionally, knowledge of user experience design is beneficial for creating user-friendly and efficient conversational interfaces.

What are the Technical Skills of Conversational AI Engineers?

  • Expertise in AI, machine learning, and language processing.
  • Proficiency in programming languages used in AI development (e.g., Python, Java, R).
  • Understanding machine learning algorithms and frameworks.
  • Knowledge in natural language processing (NLP), including understanding (NLU) and generation (NLG).
  • Familiarity with speech recognition technologies is important for voice-activated systems.
  • Experience with AI development tools and platforms and data modeling.
  • Skill in analyzing and interpreting large datasets.
  • Emphasis on continuous learning due to the rapid advancements in AI technology.

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a conversational AI developer?

The creation and design of conversational AI systems, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, which are utilized by a variety of knowledge economy workers, falls within the competence of conversational AI developers.

2. What is the salary of an AI engineer?

In India, a chatbot developer typically makes ₹7,75,000 a year. In India, the average supplementary monetary income for a chatbot developer is ₹1,75,000, with a range of ₹68,375 - ₹2,00,000.

3. What is a conversational AI job description?

Designing and creating innovative, scalable conversational AI applications is one of the tasks you have. Create processes and conversational user flows. Use a Conv AI platform like AWS Connect/Lex, Cognigy, Google DialogFlow, or RASA to implement conversational flows.

4. Is AI engineering a good career?

The average salary for an artificial intelligence engineer is six figures, and they are in high demand. Learning how to become an artificial intelligence engineer can be a profitable endeavour for someone with a technical aptitude and software development experience.

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Conversational AI Engineer

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

Conversational AI Engineer

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

Conversational AI Strategist | Crafting an overarching AI strategy that aligns with business objectives, using cases like improving customer service channels and creating personalized shopping experiences.

AI Chatbot Developer | Building sophisticated chatbots to automate customer interactions on websites and messaging platforms, enhancing user engagement through instant query resolution.

Voice Assistant Developer | Designing voice-enabled assistants for smart devices, enabling hands-free operations and assistance in activities such as scheduling and searching.

AI Solution Architect | Architecting the foundational frameworks for AI implementations that could scale for enterprise needs, envisioning systems for high-volume customer support centers or personalized marketing.

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Top-tier tech talent for Growth

Hire elite software engineers, designers and product managers within 48 hours.

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ClanX is a true partner. We were able to build a solid team and our entire company was eventually acquired.
Jayson Dmello
Head of Product, The Girl Tribe
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ClanX not only found us the best talent, but also helped us scale up and down as required. Brilliant solution!
Nikunj Ladani
Design Head, GoodWorker

Still Curious? These might help...

What are the benefits of incorporating Conversational AI into my business? | Conversational AI can significantly improve customer service efficiency, provide personalized user experiences, and enhance engagement through 24/7 availability.

Can Conversational AI Engineers enable multi-language support? | Yes, our engineers can implement Conversational AI that understands and communicates in multiple languages, reaching a broader audience and improving global customer interactions.

How does Conversational AI improve customer support? | It reduces response times, handles queries simultaneously, and provides instant access to information, elevating the overall customer support experience.

Are there industry-specific applications for Conversational AI? | Absolutely, Conversational AI can be tailored to specific industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, providing customized solutions for each sector.

How secure are Conversational AI systems? | ClanX engineers prioritize security, implementing best practices in data handling and protection to ensure user information is kept secure.

Can Conversational AI integrate with my existing systems? | Our experts can integrate AI solutions with your current CRM, ERP, and other business systems, allowing for smooth and efficient operations.

How do you ensure the Conversational AI is user-friendly? | Frequent testing with real users enables our engineers to refine and enhance the AI's conversational abilities for greater user friendliness.

What kind of support can I expect post-deployment? | ClanX offers comprehensive maintenance and support services, ensuring the AI system remains up-to-date and effective over time.


Conversational AI Engineer

in 48 hours

The ClanX Universe

We have these A+ folks on our talent network

Machine Learning Engineer

Data Engineer

Natural Language Processing Engineer

Computer Vision Engineer

Algorithm Engineer

Robotics Engineer

Deep Learning Engineer

AI Software Developer

AI Hardware Specialist

Research Engineer (AI/ML)

Autonomous Systems Engineer

AI Application Engineer

Machine Learning Infrastructure Engineer

Speech Recognition Engineer

AI Security Engineer

Reinforcement Learning Engineer

AI Research Engineer

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Engineer

Machine Intelligence Engineer

Predictive Modeller

Quantitative Machine Learning Engineer

AI Product Engineer

Machine Learning Systems Designer

Edge ML Engineer

Generative Model Engineer

Machine Learning Platform Engineer

Machine Learning DevOps Engineer

AI Optimization Engineer

Conversational AI Engineer

Applied Machine Learning Engineer

AI Solutions Engineer

AI/ML Advisory Engineer

Bioinformatics Engineer

AI Algorithm Optimization Engineer

Language Model Engineer

AI Implementation Engineer

Synthetic Data Engineer

Perception Systems Engineer

AI Research Programmer

Deep Learning Platform Engineer

AI System Validation Engineer

AI/ML Toolchain Engineer

Machine Learning Modeler

AI Innovation Engineer

AI Integration Engineer

AI/ML Test Engineer

AI Software Performance Engineer

AI Data Strategy Engineer

Recommender Systems Engineer

AI Policy Engineer

Metaverse Developer

Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Full Stack Engineer

DevOps Engineer

Software Architect

Mobile Developer (Android)

Mobile Developer (iOS)

Flutter Developer

Embedded Systems Engineer

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Security Engineer

Database Engineer

Systems Engineer

Smart Contract Developer

Network Engineer

UI/UX Developer

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer

Game Developer

Graphics Engineer

Data Warehouse Engineer

Technical Lead

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Application Engineer

Infrastructure Engineer

Performance Engineer

Hardware Engineer

React Developers

Test Automation Engineer

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Solutions Engineer

Support Engineer

Integration Engineer

Tooling Engineer

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Data Privacy Engineer

Sales Engineer

Customer Success Engineer

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Compliance Engineer

Accessibility Engineer

Operations Engineer

Video Game Engineer

Virtual Reality (VR) Engineer

Augmented Reality (AR) Engineer

Blockchain Engineer

Cryptography Engineer

Localization Engineer

System Administrator

Network Administrator

User Interface (UI) Engineer

User Experience (UX) Engineer

Golang Developer

Internet of Things (IoT) Engineer

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Automation Architect

DevOps Toolchain Engineer

Security Operations (SecOps) Engineer

Release Manager

Platform Engineer

CI/CD  Engineer

DevOps Consultant

Kubernetes Engineer

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Developer

DevOps Dashboard Engineer

Observability Engineer

Systems Orchestration Engineer

DevSecOps Engineer

Infrastructure Automation Engineer

Cloud Optimization Engineer

Continuous Delivery Engineer

DevOps Metrics and Analytics Engineer

Production Engineer

Deployment Automation Engineer

Operations Automation Developer

Cloud Security Engineer

Configuration Management Specialist

DevOps Evangelist

Site Operations Engineer

Cloud Systems Engineer

DevOps Compliance Officer

Scalability Engineer

Edge Computing Specialist

AI Product Manager

Technical Product Manager

Data Product Manager

Platform Product Manager

Product Owner (Agile/Scrum)

User Experience Product Manager

Growth Product Manager

Cloud Product Manager

Security Product Manager

Product Compliance Manager

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E-commerce Product Manager

IoT Product Manager

AR/VR Product Manager

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Customer Success Product Manager

Innovation Product Manager

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Blockchain Product Manager

DevOps Product Manager

AI Ethics Product Manager

FinTech Product Manager

HealthTech Product Manager

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Product Operations Manager

Technical Product Owner

Product Strategy Manager

Internationalisation Product Manager

Accessibility Product Manager

Infrastructure Product Manager

AI/ML Product Manager

Cybersecurity Product Manager

Data Privacy Product Manager

Cloud Services Product Manager

UX/UI Product Manager

Compliance and Regulations Product Manager

Product Quality Manager

User Experience (UX) Designer

User Interface (UI) Designer

Interaction Designer

Product Design Strategist

Visual Designer

Information Architect

User Researcher

Service Designer

UX Writer


Accessibility Designer

UX Engineer

Design Operations Manager

Design System Manager

Design Technologist

UX/UI Developer

Experience Design Lead

Industrial Designer (for physical tech products)

Interaction Design Specialist

Digital Product Designer

Motion Designer (for UI animations)

Brand Experience Designer

Design Researcher

Environmental Designer (for hardware)

Human Factors Engineer

Principal Designer

Creative Technologist

Voice User Interface Designer

Augmented Reality Designer

Virtual Reality Designer

3D Modeler

Color and Material Designer

Wearable Technology Designer

Packaging Designer

Design Sprint Facilitator

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)

Chief Security Officer (CSO)

Vice President of Engineering

Vice President of Product

Director of Engineering

Director of Product Management

Head of Design

Head of User Experience

Head of Research and Development (R&D)

Program Director

Technical Director

Head of AI/ML

Head of Cloud Services

Head of Data Science

Head of Cybersecurity

Head of Infrastructure

Head of Innovation

Head of IT Operations

Head of Technology Strategy

Head of Digital Transformation

Head of DevOps

Head of Software Development

Head of Platform Development

Head of Technical Architecture

Head of Product Innovation

Head of Quality Assurance

Head of Systems Engineering

Head of Mobile Technology

Head of Enterprise Applications

Head of Internet of Things (IoT)

Head of Robotics