Explainable Robotic Process Automation

Explainable Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a cutting-edge application of artificial intelligence (AI) that seamlessly integrates Robotic Process Automation with eXplainable AI (XAI). This innovative approach aims to achieve transparent and interpretable automation of tasks or processes within an organization.

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In the dynamic landscape of technology, Explainable Robotic Process Automation (X-RPA) has emerged as a critical component in streamlining business processes.
Cognitive RPA, on the other hand, incorporates elements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to handle more complex tasks.
X-RPA refers to the application of robotic process automation with a focus on transparency and understanding. Unlike traditional RPA, where automation operates as a black box, X-RPA aims to provide clear insights into the decision-making process of automated systems.
According to a Forrester Research report, the RPA market is expected to grow by 20% annually through 2023.

A survey by Deloitte highlights that 53% of financial services organizations have implemented RPA to reduce operational risks.

Gartner forecasts that robo-advisory assets will reach $14 trillion globally by 2032, showcasing the impact of automation in the financial sector.

What are the Two Main Types of Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic Process Automation is broadly categorized into two main types: Attended RPA and Unattended RPA. Attended RPA involves human interaction, where the bot works alongside a human user, enhancing their efficiency. Unattended RPA, on the other hand, operates independently, handling repetitive tasks without human intervention. Traditional RPA is rule-based and used for simple tasks that don’t require decision-making or cognitive activity. Cognitive RPA, on the other hand, incorporates elements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to handle more complex tasks.

What is the Difference Between RPA and Intelligent Automation (IA)?

While RPA focuses on automating rule-based tasks, Intelligent Automation (IA) combines RPA with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. IA not only automates tasks but also learns from data, making it adaptive and capable of handling more complex processes. RPA generally focuses on automating repetitive, rule-based activities, whereas IA uses AI technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, structured data interaction, and intelligent document processing.

Which RPA Tool is Best?

Selecting the best RPA tool depends on specific business requirements. Popular RPA tools include UiPath, Automation Anywhere, and Blue Prism. Each tool has its strengths, and the choice should align with the organization's objectives and technological infrastructure. Some of the popular RPA tools include UiPath, Automation Anywhere, and Blue Prism.

What is the RPA Life Cycle?

The RPA life cycle comprises various stages, including identification, assessment, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Understanding this life cycle is crucial for successful RPA implementation, ensuring efficiency and minimizing errors throughout the process.

What are the Four Types of Automation?

The four types of automation include Fixed Automation, Programmable Automation, Flexible or Soft Automation, and Industrial Automation. RPA falls under the category of Programmable Automation, offering a balance between flexibility and control.The four types of automation are fixed automation, programmable automation, flexible automation, and integrated automation.

What are the Benefits of RPA?

Implementing RPA brings numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. It allows organizations to redirect human resources to more strategic tasks, ultimately enhancing overall productivity.

Is RPA Good or Bad?

The impact of RPA depends on its implementation. When deployed thoughtfully, RPA can significantly improve business processes. However, inadequate planning and execution can lead to challenges. Understanding the nuances is essential to harness the full potential of RPA. While RPA can bring significant benefits in terms of efficiency and cost savings, it also has potential downsides such as job displacement and high initial setup costs.

Where is RPA Mostly Used?

RPA finds applications across various industries, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and customer service. It is commonly used in tasks involving data entry, invoice processing, customer onboarding, and other repetitive processes. It is commonly used to automate repetitive tasks in areas like finance, procurement, supply chain management, healthcare, accounting, customer service, and human resources.


  1. Invoice Processing in Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, X-RPA has been successfully implemented for invoice processing. By automating the verification and processing of invoices, healthcare organizations have streamlined financial workflows, reducing errors and improving compliance.
  1. Customer Service in E-commerce: E-commerce platforms utilize X-RPA for handling routine customer service inquiries. Bots are trained to understand customer queries, providing quick and accurate responses. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also allows human agents to focus on complex issues.
  1. Data Entry in Banking: Banks leverage X-RPA for automating data entry tasks, such as updating customer information and processing transactions. This has led to increased operational efficiency, reduced processing times, and minimized errors.

Related Terms

  1. RPA Tools: These are the software solutions that enable the automation of repetitive tasks. Examples include UiPath, Automation Anywhere, and Blue Prism.
  1. Intelligent Automation (IA): The integration of AI technologies with RPA to create a more intelligent and adaptive automation system.
  1. Automation Life Cycle: The step-by-step process involved in planning, implementing, and maintaining robotic process automation.
  1. Attended RPA: Automation that involves collaboration between bots and human users, enhancing human efficiency.
  1. Unattended RPA: Automation that operates independently without direct human involvement.


In conclusion, Explainable Robotic Process Automation is a transformative force in modern business. By combining automation with transparency, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation. Embracing the principles outlined in this article will pave the way for successful RPA implementation and sustainable business growth.


  1. https://www.ibm.com/topics/rpa 
  2. https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/robotic-process-automation/ 
  3. https://www.spiceworks.com/tech/innovation/articles/difference-between-rpa-and-intelligent-automation/ 
  4. https://www.blueprism.com/automation-journey/intelligent-automation-vs-rpa/ 
  5. https://textexpander.com/blog/best-rpa-tools 

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